What We Do
The Fund for American Studies (TFAS) hosts international academic programs for current university students and young professionals from around the world.
TFAS international programs include undergraduate-level academic credit as well as housing and some meals. During each program, students participate in a variety of guest lectures, site visits, excursions, and other events.
In addition to academic credit, students finish each program with an expanded network of global contacts; an understanding of the ideas most conducive to individual freedom, human achievement, and personal responsibility; and an international experience to advance their educational and professional development.

María José Bernal, Colombia | TFAS Santiago
“TFAS Santiago was challenging enough to make me question crucial principles, enriching enough to bring me new tools to face reality, and exciting enough to make new friends and learn from their cultures.”

Sofia Santin, Italy | TFAS Prague
“I’ve been exposed to an intellectually challenging environment. I’ve had the chance to learn more about the world, discovering new things about myself and my passions as well. The month spent in Prague has been life-changing; it made me realize what I want in my life and once home I’ll be ready to work for it.”

Aaron Kasonde, Zambia | TFAS Prague
“I’ve learned that every simple conflict has a far more complex interweaving of interests hidden beneath. There are so many moving parts, which makes diplomacy a never-ending effort. On the other hand, the conflicts that we have talked about have demonstrated a need for me to pay attention to the needs and interests of every country involved to get a better understanding.”

Madeline Morlino, USA | TFAS Asia
“Rather than feeling that finding common ground is an impossible endeavor, I realized that this TFAS program provides a unique environment for constructive dialogue about some of society’s most pressing issues. In order to ask these difficult questions, it is crucial to have a variety of opinions- what better way than inviting students from America and Asia to a major global city for educational enrichment and exchange. Moreover, participating in this valuable program provides students the ability to challenge their own beliefs, learn about other perspectives, and foster an appreciation for cultural differences.”

Aimilia Tikoudi, Greece | TFAS Prague
“TFAS Prague was exactly what I had needed both academically and professionally. It gives me constant “food for thought”, both with the in-class activities and the informal interactions with fellow participants. It definitely challenged many personal points of view and introduced me to ideas and concepts that will play a significant role for myself hereafter.”

Sergio Leal Santibañez, Mexico | TFAS Santiago
“The professor’s perspective and the diversity of my classmates and their different points of view have opened my mind on understanding the present global context and has motivated me to apply this knowledge in my country in order to address the problems it faces.”

Joanna Jasińska, Poland | EJI
“We shared our countries and cultures to learn from each other, and more often than we expected, we realized we have so many things in common. The European Journalism Institute gave me faith in the future of media and journalism… this gave me a renewed understanding that there is meaning to what we are doing.”

Aruna Jantemirova, Kazakhstan | TFAS Prague
“The OSCE simulation at TFAS Prague allowed us to apply our knowledge and to try to find a resolution for the Russia-Ukraine conflict through dialogue. Each student in the class, on behalf of their country, could share their stories and situation, and that broadened my mind about the world. Theories, ideas, concepts of politics and economics are what we have studied, but implicitly we learned to be a better version of ourselves who will shape the future.”

Yaroslav Pavliuk, Ukraine | TFAS Prague
“TFAS Prague helped me to understand some very important values – friendship, respect, responsibility. Although I heard and knew them before, only here I could perceive it fully. All activities taught me some important aspects – how to be a leader, how to communicate with others, how to analyze some things. And, of course, the program inspired me to change my community and try to achieve standards proposed by TFAS Prague.”

Shruti Rao, India | TFAS Asia
“TFAS faculty opened the world to us. In their classrooms, we were pushed to deliberate on difficult questions of life and liberty. Every day we wrestled with diverse ideas on a wide range of subjects, from free markets and welfare states, liberal democracies and autocratic rulers, to questions on open borders and illegal immigration. During all these discussions, our professors ensured that we had some of the brightest minds from the history of the world, from Aristotle, Plato to McCloskey and Friedman, holding our hands and leading the way.”

Daria Malinina, Italy | EJI
“I enjoyed the philosophical and psychological side of our discussion. [Our speaker] structured ‘what a good journalist should do’ from the bottom up – starting with energy and heart. I learned that you can search and read to find truth, but he really brought the heart back to our discussion.”

Fabio Valentini, Venezuela | TFAS Santiago
“We live in a world where the ideas of freedom are still questioned or censored; [TFAS] allows us to overcome these obstacles and move towards a free society in which all individuals are equal to the law and with the same level of opportunities.”

Sara Wehbe, Lebanon | TFAS Prague
“[The Cultural Presentations Dinner] was beautiful and informative. Undoubtedly, what left a huge impression is the presentation of Pakistan and India. Where two countries have been in war more than 20 years, in 20 days two of their people not only danced together, but actually represented their countries. It took a huge courage of my classmates!”

Bela Campos Christo, Brazil | TFAS Santiago
“At [TFAS Santiago], I had the chance to hear from different passionate leaders, their story and perspective. I was inspired by how those leaders were able to directly change their community.”

Azat Akimtay, Kazakhstan | TFAS Asia
“Despite having a relevant academic background, at every class discussion I was able to see familiar concepts and ideas from a new perspective. That is due to the variety of nations and cultures represented at the program. Being a part of such diverse class of talented individuals is a privilege and I am grateful to TFAS for this life-changing experience.”

Sarwar Efendi, Iraq | TFAS Prague
“What was most shocking was that I found commonalities in thought from people continents away from my home country… TFAS equipped me with the necessary thinking skills that I can use to make better sense of what is going around me and internationally.”